Christian Counseling

Why seek Christian Counseling instead of other kinds of counseling?

elderly couple smiling

First, it is good to know what Christian Counseling is not. Christian Counseling is not the same as a bible study. It is different than sitting in church listening to a pastor preach a sermon. It is not repetitious chanting of Scripture together out loud during sessions, nor spending the entire meeting in prayer. Furthermore, it is not a lecture on how to behave properly by avoiding immorality and cultivating godliness.

Rather, Christian Counseling is counseling based on the Bible. It is distinct from other forms of counseling because it's basis is biblical truth rather than psychological principles. You may be wondering why that distinction matters, but it is significant. Let me explain.

The Bible is God's bestseller. He is an amazingly insightful writer who captures our attention with His words of wisdom. The Bible is the ultimate resource on the secrets of successful living, and how to have life-long, fulfilling relationships. When we live according to the biblical blueprint - basing our relationships on loving unconditionally, faithfully trusting, mutually respecting, and forgiving graciously, we find more joy, greater peace, and deeper intimacy in our relationships.

Biblically-based counsel is not based on what I, the therapist, think is true, right, or helpful. Nor is it counsel that is derived from the study of human psychology. Christian Counseling is based on what God has declared as true, right, and helpful in His Word. I find this truth very comforting, because it frees me up from having to have all the answers. Together, we can look to the Scriptures to find the answers.

Not only has God given each of us life, but He's also given us the manual that tells us how to live life well and get the most out of it! Nothing compares to the advice in the Bible - it's the best advice in the world!

When I meet with clients, I want them to know that the life principles I'm sharing and encouraging are based not on my own limited life experiences or what psychologists say will enhance my relationships, but on a much firmer foundation - the Bible. For example, I have often told struggling couples that there is hope for their relationship - that divorce is not the only way to stop the fighting or the loneliness - and I can confidently declare there is great hope for your relationship as well because I have a great resource book on which to draw wise counsel! This type of counsel is precisely what sets Christian Counseling apart from other forms of counseling. Christian Counseling is born out of what the Bible actually says and not the therapist's personal value system or psychology itself, which is based on humans studying and analyzing human behavior.

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